In my post-"Little Miss Sunshine" fantasy world, girls would not be evaluated for "prettiest eyes" or "most photogenic" -- the way girls as young as 18 months were judged last weekend at the Little Miss Wyoming Pageant -- but by "most imaginative dance moves," "funniest jokes told," "soccer prowess," "community leadership," "kindest to her friends," and other actual meaningful indicators of good character.
Thought experiment: If every year we asked boys to parade on stage, baring shoulders and knees, trying to out-smile, out-"personality," and out-rouge-application one another, there would be a national uproar. Because, you know, boys are supposed to be out there doing things like winning hockey tournaments, learning chemistry, riding BMX bikes, and learning that their value in the world has to do with their minds and actions.
Little Miss Wyomings deserve a pageant that allows them to show of their real human worth, not their dimples.