Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Native American Woman Honored

I'm glad to share some good news, good news born out of tragedy, that is. The first-ever Native American woman to die in combat on foreign soil, Lori Piestewa, has been honored by renaming a mountain in Arizona after her. Fittingly, the peak once called "Squaw Peak" is now Piestewa Peak, a big step forward in undoing racism and celebrating courageous women.

Feministing has a great post about this.

Some of you may be familiar with Lori's name. She's the soldier that media/govt. victim Pvt. Jessica Lynch credited with being the true hero of the day when Lynch's unit came under attack.


1 comment:

Jo on the go said...

Thanks for leading me to Feministing again... I finally bookmarked it and really enjoyed the Jon Stewart video.

I agree that Piestewa Peak is a much better name. Nobody will be able to spell or pronounce it, but if we forgot how to spell and pronounce "squaw" it would be great.