CU: Do you think affordable housing in Jackson is a women's issue? If so, how?
MT: Across Wyoming, we know that seventy-one percent of single parent households are headed by women, and thirty-eight percent of these families live in poverty (Department of Family Services - 2003). We also know that Wyoming’s wage gender gap is the worst in the nation: women in Wyoming earn 66 cents to every dollar earned by men. (Status of Women in Wyoming - 2004). But in Teton County, affordable housing is an issue that impacts a large cross-section of our community - it certainly impacts single female heads of household to a great extent, but it also impacts families with two heads of household, singles, and the whole range of economic levels, ages, and careers. So while I understand that affordable housing is one of many challenges that is more difficult for female heads of household, it is definitely not an issue that is limited to women.CU: What can women do to advocate for themselves as Jackson moves forward with its comprehensive plan?
MT: It's important for all members of our community to get engaged and make their voices heard through the comprehensive plan update. I hope people will visit the comprehensive plan website, www.jacksontetonplan.com, or Town Hall, to learn more, and let us know what's important to them. This process will define how we want our community to grow for the next five to ten years, and we need to hear if people value more affordable housing, or better public transit, or so many other things!
CU: Do you think town and county leaders need to take women's issues into account as they move forward with planning? (Wage differences, occupational demographics, need for proximity to health care..)
MT: I would hope that as our community's local elected leaders plan for our future, they are creating a plan that supports a vibrant community for all citizens. I think our current leaders have been very supportive of social services that serve women and children, but they would appreciate hearing from women in the community about other steps they can take to support women's issues. Please contact them!
Melissa Turley serves on the Jackson Town Council. She is the owner of the consulting firm m.e.t. solutions; she serves on the boards of Equality Initiatives and Girls Actively Participating. She is the proud owner of a Jackson Hole Community Housing Trust affordable home.
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