Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Right to Life ad - Planet Jackson Hole 2.04.09

“… I honestly think of your advertisement each day before I open the Jackson Hole paper. It is difficult because I am reminded of the abortion I had over 40 years ago. I think your readers should know that abortion is not a one day event. Once you have an abortion it is with you
almost every day for the rest of your life. The guilt, the remorse, the loss never leaves …
Please keep up your wonderful attempts to protect the innocent.”

– Anonymous letter to Right to Life of Teton County

While we will refrain from questioning the letter writer's personal feelings about her abortion, we must take issue with her obvious generalizations and projecting. The fact is, the vast majority of women that have abortions do not regret them, rarely think about them, and even more rarely report feelings of guilt, remorse, or loss. Check out I'm Not Sorry for stories that paint completely different pictures from the letter author's.

The number one emotion reported by women post-abortion is relief. It is unconscionable to use scare tactics (you'll be scarred for the rest of your life!) to try and convince women not to have abortions. Some women may regret their abortions. Some will think it's the best decision they ever made. At least they were free to make the choice.


1 comment:

snoWYmonkey said...

Thanks for sharing the other side of the story. There are as many stories as there are individual people, in this case women, and each voice is legitimate.