Thursday, March 6, 2008

Only in Jackson Hole

We received a funny, confusing comment to one of our posts.
The author seems to be some sort of quasi "enlightened"
mudslinging Republican Buddhist. Only in Jackson Hole, Wyo,
we tell you!

"You are more militant and close minded than the 'right wing
conservatives' you oppose!" writes our anonymous commenter.
Hmm, that's funny because we haven't been actively lobbying
to limit anybody's human rights lately. Then again, our minds
are closed off to proselytising hate and bombing health clinics.

"Be the change you would like to see in the World!"
Our response: Exactly.

"If you maintain this attitude in your blog you will only fuel
the other side to be as Close minded, Bias, Militant,
Narcissistic, and Shallow as you are portraying yourselves.
~Namaste~ my Sisters."

Okay, that's just weird. Can you just imagine some yogi bowing
to us saying "namaste" out of one side of his/her mouth and
telling us we're militant jerks out of the other? We think this
person may be suffering from some internal conflicts and we wish
her/him further enlightenment so as to make her/his story
consistent. In the meantime, we know the "other side" doesn't
need our help being close-minded, militant, narcissistic, or

As for bias, it's true, dear reader, we have a point-of-view!
Of it, we are proud!

Anne, Mary, Emma

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