Wednesday, February 27, 2008

And another thing....

The Turning Point (aka Crisis Pregnancy Center aka Whatever Misleading Name They Want To Use This Week) website states that "Reputable studies suggests that women who abort face a 50% increase in breast cancer". This myth has been busted time and time again. The American Cancer Society, who I'll go ahead and call an authority on the subject, states that "the public is not well-served by false alarms and at the present time, the scientific evidence does not support a causal association between induced abortion and breast cancer." So, why does Turning Point continue to broadcast this fallacy? Because they want to scare women into carrying unplanned pregnancies to term with threats of disease. What a great way to celebrate life.

Moreover, 100 of the world’s leading experts on pregnancy and breast cancer risk concluded that "breast cancer risk is temporarily increased after a term pregnancy (that is, a pregnancy that results in the birth of a living child)" (National Cancer Institute. Summary Report: Early Reproductive Events and Breast Cancer Workshop). Why aren't "pro-life" advocates warning women about the health threats of giving birth? If Turning Point wants you to have all the facts, why don't they tell you about the risks of carrying a pregnancy to term, which significantly outweigh the risks of abortion?

Because the pro-life movement is not pro life.

Pro-Life = forcing women to carry pregnancies to term regardless of their wants, needs, health, financial situation, emotional state, readiness, etc., etc., etc.

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