Thursday, February 28, 2008

Right To Life Ad - Planet Jackson Hole 2/27/08

Courtesy of this week's Right to Life ad, we bring you this conversation in la-la land.

Woman: "I'd like to have an abortion."
Anti-Choice CPC counselor: "First, take a look at this picture."
Woman: "What's this?"
Counselor: "A picture of a twelve-week old fetus."
Woman: "Really? I thought that fetuses were blobs of tissue that instantaneously morphed into human form when they passed through a vagina."
Counselor: "That's a common misconception."
Woman: "Wow. All of sudden I now feel emotionally, financially, and physically capable of bringing this pregnancy to term. Thanks so much for enlightening me."


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You are more militant and close minded than the "right wing conservatives" you oppose! Be the change you would like to see in the World! If you maintain this attitude in your blog you will only fuel the other side to be as Close minded, Bias, Militant, Narcissistic, and Shallow as you are portraying yourselves. ~Namaste~ my Sisters.