Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Newsflash: anti-choice zealots are racist too!

I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Turns out that American uterus Nazis (aka pro-lifers) are shipping their theology overseas trying to scare white European women into having more babies. They predict a "demographic winter" in which the population becomes dominated by brown and black people. Reading this Nation article by Kathryn Joyce was a bit like reading Sci-Fi. But the money and power behind this "we need more white babies" movement is frighteningly real.

It's sorta satisfying, though, to see the anti-choice faction lay bare their true intentions. Advocating for laws that control women's bodies is just one tiny, dare I say "baby" step away from legalizing racism. The so-called pro-life movement has never been about protecting just anyone's life, but rather making sure certain white Christian men have power over everyone's lives.

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