Thursday, February 28, 2008

Your tampon is a graveyard

So, presidential candidate Mike Huckabee has endorsed a proposal to give fertilized eggs full protection under the law in Colorado. First, let's pause for a moment to marvel at the wingnuttiness that is our neighbor to the South. Ok, done.

Now, let's think for a moment about the ramifications of such a proposal. Fertilized eggs would be considered human beings. So, what do we do about the millions of fertilized eggs that never implant in the uterine lining and never proceed to the embryonic stage that are flushed out in the course of nature during a women's menstrual cycle without even her knowledge? Is the coroner going to go around collecting used tampons to search for "dead bodies" and determine the cause of death? Issue a death certificate? Call in the police to determine whether or not the women committed negligent homicide?

And Pam, of Pandagon, asks: "will a post-coitus woman be able to drive in a HOV lane because she may be carrying a fertilized egg?
* Will the highway patrol need to carry pregnancy testing kits to confirm the ability for them to use HOV lanes on the spot?"

How about we give equal rights to women before extending them to "the unborn"?

1 comment:

Kristy Athens said...

Seriously! It doesn't take a genius to understand the logical extensions of this proposal are absolutely insane. But, as we've learned over the past 25 years, the right wing would be funny if they weren't serious.