Friday, August 8, 2008

Anthrax Suspect Suicide Was Antiabortion

Yesterday, NPR ran a story about Bruce Ivins, who is accused of sending out deadly anthrax letters post 9/11/01. Ivins killed himself last month.
There was some speculation that Ivins had targeted Daschle and Leahy because he saw them as holding up funding that would have helped pay for his research into an anthrax vaccine. Now, officials close to the investigation say another possible motive could have been that Ivins saw the senators as bad Catholics because of their votes in favor of abortion rights.
This news dovetails with what I'm reading in Jennifer Baumgardner's excellent new book, Abortion & Life. She notes:
Following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, abortion providers were struck with a sick recognition: They had already been receiveing death threats from fundamentalists on a regular basis. Innocent people had been murdered and stalked, letters that claimed to contain anthrax had been sent.
Wish some of those "Homeland Security" dollars could go to protect clinic workers and patients..

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