Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I'm listening to to Hillary Clinton's DNC speech from last night, and, wow. I felt ambivalent about her during the primary and now I'm having a bit of regret that she is not our presidential candidate.

I love that she mentioned gay rights - DNC platform be damned! I love that she mentioned crying - yes, that's what passion means sometimes. I love that she paid tribute to Michelle!

I like her message, the Democratic message, about single purpose and unity - it's way past time the Dems figured out that's what we need.

I keep thinking that Bill Clinton was her biggest Achilles heel. If she had come from a more independent background - not a wife of a leader, not a Clinton with a wishy-wash background. If she could have come to our attention like Obama did via her own merits only, and inspired a grassroots movement the way he has... If only...

At least we can rest assured that the glass ceiling has been shattered and we will have a woman president someday soon. A woman who did not have to get to her place of power by being attached to a powerful man.

Let me know your thoughts....

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