Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Mother's Day

As one of the moms in our group of bloggers, I've been asked to blog about Mother's Day. This will be, in fact, my second Mother's Day as a mom. Last year I celebrated by taking my newborn home from the hospital.
I have gained a whole new appreciation for my mom and all mothers from my fairly new perspective as a member of this group. Now I understand why my mom didn't want me to ride my bike further than a block away and why she always waited up until I was home. I understand why she still feels the need to give me advice and warnings.
Having a child means a piece of your heart has been yanked out of your body and placed in a delicate little person who will do stupid things, make you worry, and eventually leave you. I didn't care much for babies or kids before I had mine. Now the thought of someone harming any child sickens me and brings out my momma-bear instinct. I love my little cub more than anything, and my goal is to raise her to become a strong woman who knows no boundaries or restrictions on what she can do with her life.
When I was pregnant, I asked my husband if our impending parenthood changed his feelings about abortion. He said it didn't. I agreed. If anything, experiencing the ups and downs, the stresses and joys of being a parent has only enforced my feelings that no woman should be forced to keep a pregnancy. Pregnancy and parenting are hard and should only be undertaken by those who desire it.
So, this Mother's Day, tell your mom you love her and appreciate her. She's done alot for you, and while I'm sure she was happy to change your 3rd poopy diaper of the day, it's nice to be appreciated. The first time my daughter smiled at me made me forget the previous month of meconium, spit up, and very little sleep. She doesn't ever really need to buy me flowers or a card. As long as she keeps smiling, that's enough for me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, Anne Bonney, Thanks so much for this lovely post!

Meg aka Mary W