Dear Readers,
We Cowgrrls are launching a series of themed posts discussing the housing crisis/issue in Teton County and how women are impacted. Check back frequently in the next several weeks for interviews, anecdotes, and opinions on this as yet undiscussed aspect of this very hot topic in our valley.
In the meantime, I wanted to pass the word that if any of you are having trouble paying your property taxes due to crazy increases, there is help. Check Rep. Keith Gingery's site for a full listing. He mentions specifically:
The legislature did pass the Property Tax Refund Program this past session that refunds ½ of your property tax bill if your income does not exceed 2/3 of the median gross income for Teton County. If you think you may be eligible, I would urge you to call our local county assessor, Cathy Toolson, (733-4960) and talk to her about these programs.#
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